Ten Tribes
Ten Tribes was commissioned with Arts Council funding as a multi-arts performance piece combining pupils from main-stream and special schools. Mixing the elements of dance, theatre, song and animation, the piece was filmed and turned into a programmed for Teachers’ TV as part of the ‘Inspirations’ series. The programme followed the pupils from the beginning of the project as they worked alongside media and dance artists. Children from a pupil referral unit worked on an animation sequence, while those from other schools collaborated to produce props. To watch the documentary, click here.
The Ten Tribes project climaxed in a show at Birmingham's Symphony Hall in 2008 where the pupils formed a 500-strong choir and dance group, along with soloists, narrators, and a full symphony orchestra, all combining to perform this specially written work.
Ten Tribes explores PSHE themes of inclusion and exclusion and can be performed either with a piano accompaniment, with a small rock band, or with full orchestra (orchestral parts will soon be available for hire).